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Explain the Science behind RP with proofs? (General)

by Raj @, Mumbai, Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 20:49 (5206 days ago) @ Explain

Still many people claimed that "NOBODY KNOWS WHICH FORCE ATTRACTS RICE OR Cereal"., many times I answered individuals how it works out.

The simple so called force is "STATIC ELECTRICITY"

And the pulling length depends on "FORMATION OF ELECTRON CLOUD/FIELD around the object and its GRAVITY.

By default fluffed rice having Negative Charge (Which are having excess electrons) and the Rice-Pulling material which would be "POSITIVELY CHARGED METAL" and as per simple Atomic theory, Positively charged body definitely attracts negatively charged bodies. It is the elementary school subject and now a biggest issue among the people.

When your testers said, attracted rice with RP won't attract together instead they repelled together because of same charge. And when you bring them near to "non-tested rice", these positively charged Rice attracted non-tested rice which were having negative charge.

Beside this, there is nothing unseen force/black-magic or wonder behind them. That is the reason, when we talked about these "RP"s, other country people who mainly stands on "Scientific causes" just laughted at us and our foolishness.

People who are the believers, really don't know anything about science /object properties around them. They simply run behind "What other people said and made them believe".

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