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Scam ALERT ⚠️ Harry Singh (General)

by quickwork, India, Monday, April 11, 2022, 12:33 (1006 days ago) @ Harry Singh

Let me answer your pathetic questions:

1. Did he try to meet any Company Officials in person? Answer: are you the company official? Which is the company? Don't say BLUE ORIGIN and ULA, you are fooling others with these names.

2. Did He Ever Pay the Company Fee? Answer: who the hell are you to ask any company fees? in what basis you are asking company fees? What are you capable of to ask company fees? There is no company, There is no base, There is no registration, There is no license, how dare you are asking company fees in the name of FAKE BLUE ORIGIN AND ULA COMPANY.

3. How many movements has he done with Blue Origin or ULA? Answer: How many movements you did? If you have done any movement then why are you posting irrelevant things here? So you mean to say BLUE ORIGIN AND ULA is based in your city Chandigarh? Are you a fool or making others a fool?

4. Does he even own or has seen an RP ever? Answer: so you mean to say you have full knowledge of RP's so you are looting others by FAKE Company Names?

5. What's his Number & Name? Answer: idiot, first reveal your work, in what basis you are posting here about the international company names like BLUE ORIGIN AND ULA? How dare you are misusing these names in India?

6. If he doesn't believe in RP, then why is he on Ricepuller Forum? Answer: you said you have done 8 movements of RP so far, what are you doing in this forum? Why are you posting irrelevant things? Why are you still struggling? What is your qualification?

Note: Jobless illiterates like you will never get a job of even security guard in the companies like BLUE ORIGIN and ULA. Here you are acting like you own these companies? In what basis you are misusing the names of international companies?


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