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Fraud ALERT ⚠️ Harry Singh (General)

by quickwork, India, Monday, April 11, 2022, 22:00 (1005 days ago) @ Harry Singh

@ Harry Singh

The cooked up story which you just said is not matching with your reality and the game which you are playing.

You yourself pay for the movement? Wow! how kind hearted you are. My foot

But in the reality, you are asking people to pay the company fees as a movement charge, playing here doesn't work.. you fool!

The Reality is: there is no India head and there is no company head, it is all you who is playing the game and cooking up stories to get the company fees in the name of BLUE ORIGIN and ULA Company.

You think people here are fool like you? The way you are cooking up stories looks like you are actually a uneducated criminal minded guy which I recognized. [image]



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