There are 200+ ICICI virtual domain chest account statements (ADV - Financial)
<-- duplicate "New topic" in one day - locked & moved here by Admin --> SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING
If you ever know icici h2h virtual domain chest funds owners and if they follow my procedures, i can help your client and you both earn real legal money in real life
Over the past 4 years , over 200 statements both real n forged from icici h2h virtual domain chest accounts are circulating online and thru media looking for renting , sender-receiver & BUYER-SELLER
All are jokerbrokers stuff only , which one can simply laugh at
Not a single deal has been closed and paise has been earned by both clients n media
I can say it onrecord , because several 10000+ cr files from BKC Mumbai which came to me on 2020 once again came to me on 2023 too , which proves that
My European Trading Platform which provides Humanitarian project funding for Church of God from Denmark , accept icici and virtual domain/chest funds , if my procedures and protocols are followed
Instead of wasting years without closing any deal and commission, try your luck
WhatsApp 887.004.9050
Complete thread:
2023-05-20, 16:44
- There are 200+ ICICI virtual domain chest account statements - EUPPPPLATFORM, 2023-05-20, 17:40