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Real Accounts Flash (General)

by rpsgopal, Thursday, July 20, 2023, 13:38 (542 days ago) @ Mutuabenefits

Beware of this type of fraudster, this is a new trick to extract money from you, after you pay them they sell you a software which worth nothing and then again they will ask you to pay in the name of technical support fee and after you them the fee they will try to sell you other supporting software to support this in the name of licenses fee, till the time you will come to no about there fraud you have already paid them huge money now you wont get your money and nor you can trace them.

i have more then 30 complainer requesting me to trace them. but as you paid them in BTC which is impossible to trace.

i trace one individual living in France Paris with the help of the mobile no they provided me they all are spread from UK to France to Spain..

Please Please dont waste your money on them. there is no software as shown in some Hollywood movies..

Dont fall into there trap.

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