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by bobby @, Wednesday, July 01, 2009, 15:06 (5746 days ago) @ Rice Puller

hi friends ,

dont ever deposit any money in any company , without knowing their details , before depositing check out their papers , defence permissions , fund proofs , see those who are dealing with RP and libo , they are not those who will stand some where in the market and will declare that they are into it ..... those who are willing to give 50 - 100 crores in your spot ... will not be small guys ... no big transactions can ever place in tune of thousands of crores without the knowledge of the govt. so first check the papers of the company ... if satisfied then move ahead .... buyers who are having so much money , they would have kept politicians , administrations in their side otherwise they cant do it ....

i challenge you that if you are a serious seller , then come to office check the papers , fund proofs , but before that come with the tested rice samples , bulbs in air tight container , and if the product is genuine then after lab reports , we will show all the papers , and if you are satisfied then pay the professional charges and if you are not satisfied then dont pay us ....

if you are really serious then we will do the deal inside a police station in your place ....

but dont ever deposit any money in any company without knowing their genuinity , they may be fake buyers .........

regards bobby

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