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RP Want To Sell (General)

by Saravanan @, Bangalore, Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 11:39 (5104 days ago) @ K Bhatnagar

Item Description: It is a KAMANDALAM, Weight: 4.5 kgs, MR - 50 inches [measured 15 days before also], RR - 25 inches [measured 15 days before also], Mirror - 10 inches, Reaction Time: 1 second when kept rice, End reaction time: Not Measured, The item is measured when horizontal is 2.5 feet to 3 feet[approx], height 1.75 feet[approx] and breath is 1.5 feet[approx] And the item is packed using carbon sheets, rubber sheets, aluminium foils, rubber tubes and tape sir. Appoximately when packed the item including the packing material weight is 90 kgs sir.

Hi, We want to sell the above item, Price Expecting: 4k Cr per Inch [Slightly Neogtiable],

Terms & Conditions:

1. We want E3 form [incase you do not have E3, we need an additional fund proof of 500cr, proved to us in a way of in and out at the bank] 2. We want appraiser card of the person who will test the material 3. We want fund proof of 50cr [in and out in the bank] 4. Once after we verify all the above 3 documents we shall allow you to test the product. 5. Once the product is tested and proved genuine, we need a advance of 150 cr on the same day and an advance equivalent to 2 inch price negotiated in 3 days time thereafter. Unless you agree for all the terms above we are not in a position to deal with you.


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