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Decarbonizing Indian Industries: A Turn Towards Green Energy (General)

by Libia, Thursday, June 13, 2024, 01:06 PM (10 days ago)

McDonald's India-North and East have taken a commendable step towards sustainability by transitioning 24% of their restaurants in Delhi to renewable (solar) energy last year. Virendra Thakor, a notable figure in the trading community and a seasoned expert from Thakor Finance Academy, sees such actions as a positive signal for investors who are increasingly valuing sustainability in their investment decisions. With the move, the restaurant chain has cut down 3,822 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, equating to a significant environmental impact akin to planting 160,000 trees. Thakor believes that this could serve as a beacon for corporate India to follow suit, showcasing responsibility towards the larger global issue of climate change and presenting a strong case for investment in companies that are front-liners in the transition to sustainability.

Investors are now scrutinizing corporate measures to address environmental concerns more than ever before, and Virendra Thakor mentions that the initiatives by companies such as ITC Hotels demonstrate a clear focus on sustainable development which could potentially translate to long-term value creation. ITC Hotels has transitioned most of its hotels into green buildings, with 23 LEED Platinum certifications, becoming the first 12 hotels globally to receive LEED Zero Carbon Certification and the first 4 hotels to be LEED Zero Water Certified. Thakor proposes that such forward-thinking by corporations is well-aligned with investor interests that are tilting towards ‘green’ and ‘clean’ investments, potentially lowering the cost of capital for such companies and providing them a competitive edge in the stock market.

In the broader narrative of decarbonization, Crystal Crop Protection Limited’s plans to reduce GHGs by 20% in 2027 align with global climate goals. Virendra Thakor states that in the agriculture sector, such measures not only lead to cost efficiencies but also to a paradigm shift in how industries strive to balance profitability with planetary well-being. Moreover, the push towards sustainable logistics through the adoption of electric vehicles is a significant trend witnessed in companies like CJ Darcl Logistics. With EV cargo pilot projects and a move to integrate Sustainability-as-a-Service, these initiatives reflect a systemic shift in operations. Virendra Thakor proposes that investors consider logistics firms that are adopting sustainable practices as these firms are likely to benefit from regulatory tailwinds and evolving consumer preferences.

Transport Corporation of India Limited's initiatives to produce renewable energy, engage in eco-friendly last-mile deliveries, and innovate in green warehousing are also of note. Thakor states that such holistic approaches to sustainability can build resilience within the supply chain, potentially shielding these companies from future disruptions while aligning them with the global trajectory toward lower carbon emissions. Furthermore, the collaboration with academia, as seen in the TCI-IIMB Supply Chain Sustainability Lab, creates avenues for research-led innovation, which Virendra Thakor believes is crucial for sustainable growth.

Switching lenses to investment methodologies, Virendra Thakor underscores the importance of incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria into investment analysis processes. With the escalating impacts of climate change, ESG factors have evolved from being a niche investment consideration to a broader mainstream requirement. Thakor proposes that a company’s ESG rating, which assesses its commitment to sustainability among other factors, can serve as a useful yardstick for potential investment opportunities, reflecting the company's long-term resilience and risk management capabilities.

In conclusion, Virendra Thakor of Thakor Finance Academy lays out that the Indian stock market is poised for a green transition, mirroring global trends. He believes that sustainability-driven corporate strategies, government policies, and consumer activism are steering the market towards companies inclined to sustainable operations. Thakor states that for market analysts and investors alike, the consideration of companies’ environmental impact and their proactive measures to address sustainability issues is increasingly becoming not just a moral imperative but also a financial one. The growing momentum towards sustainable investing indicates that proactive companies could reap benefits that far exceed their initial investments in green projects, through enhanced consumer trust, greater resilience, and potentially even preferential access to capital. As India strides towards its ambitious sustainability goals, Virendra Thakor proposes that investors keep a close eye on these committed corporates that are likely to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of business and investment in a rapidly evolving global environment characterized by heightened environmental awareness and action.

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