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by Rajesh IAS @, Wednesday, July 08, 2009, 13:25 (5681 days ago) @ bobby

What bobby said is correct. If the Jistal and Skylark are the representatives of so called J&J Group and do RP deal which involves crore of rupees, then why can't they have thier own website? and they don't have any phone numbers? Just they are hiding behind the yahoo and hotmail e-mail i.d's. If they are genuine they should give their address and phone numbers. And more over they are advertising in this blog thru various fake names like IPS and other names. Hope this is just to collect the fees and not to do any RP related business. So beware of these companies. If Jistal and Skylark are genuine companies they should furnish their Phone numbers and address in this blog otherwise come to a conclusion that they are FAKE!!! - Rajesh IAS

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