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by Ellekenfonvy Gvs, Thursday, May 22, 2008, 15:55 (6152 days ago) @ Hits

Dear Well Wisher / Mr. Ishwar (09844115259, '),

This is in reference to your posting, we would like to bring in your kind notice that we are not a fake company we have licence to Purchase Copper Iridium in India from Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of India (AERB).

If you think we are fake company, then why you are interested to sell your product to us and asking for our address, people like you are the only one who does not know ABC of this Business and simply misguide other peoples and without showing your product to the company just blame them that they dont do the work, people like you are just information seekers & cant sell your product in your entire life. People like you are only one who wants to earns Millions of Dollars for your fake products & cant spend amount for the Company to come, what you think we should move here & there on just hear to say basis from people like you, what you think of your selves even we have so much power that we can get your product within 24 hrs in our hand just on a phone call, but this type of things are against our Business Ethics. People like you needs all the infomation & licences of the Company so that they can rotate in the market & earn million of Dollars by just spreading that you have the product & the Company.

So stop spreading humors and join any BPO / Call Center & work hard that will fetch you good amount of money, but if you spread humors / false info regarding where you work & they will not spare your feeling. This is an advise for you from a friend.

Good Bless & Take Care

With Best Wishes

Team Ellekenfonvy

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