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by Sajith @, India, Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 03:42 (5670 days ago) @ Sajith

What foolishness you speak ? Is TATA is fraud ? J&J Group is fraud? No, Never !! Why can not varify the company with government machineris ? Regarding mail ID, They never give their IDs or they never give publicity for RPs. They have 100s of associate companies with 100s of site. RP business is not a line of their business and it may done ones in every 2 or 3 years. As a bigest suplier of European Governments, they do this as a favor to these governments. They do not consider this as a business. So what is the need for a site ? Site are created by frauds to collect money for their daily bread and butter. So please do not mislead the people. J&J Group never become your competetor, so you do not worry. But if you get a genuine item, you can contact them for a genuine deal. Regards Sajith

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