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Wanted to sell Yarchagumba (25 kg) (General)

by Bobby @, Thursday, June 05, 2008, 16:03 (6137 days ago)

Yarchagumba is an insect that grows a plant from the top of its head and is said to have medicinal powers that can cure cancer. Cordyceps Sinesis is a fungus locally called yarchagumba, known for its high value in the traditional medicine market. It is used in Chinese herbal medicine and is said to be good for everything ranging from headaches, stomach aches, respiratory diseases, arresting bleeding, dispelling phlegm to curing impotency. <br> For more detail information <br><br> <br><br> <br><br>

<br><br> Please contact me regarding this <br><br>

<br><br> Bobby

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