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It is too much bobby (General)

by bobby @, Monday, July 27, 2009, 11:22 (5662 days ago) @ Keta varghese

hi keta varghese,

who is telling that we are not ready to prove ? we are only suggesting to beware about those fraud companies , which is harassing lot of people , like others we are not asking money to people to deposit in our company account , we are telling them to come check our papers , certificates , funds , check us whether we can deal or not , then if you are satisfied and you have genuine item with you , then take us to your place . everyday we are getting lots of queries , people asking us to come , but lot many times even we send someone then there would be no items or original items , if you know about genuine companies then you do it , why are you complaining against me , i am not trying to cheat anyone , if you think we are cheaters , then there is no need of deal , go and try with other companies . Its simple.

tell me , if those companies for real , then if they have proper permission then why ugly incidents are happening ?

actual sellers know what i am speaking , what message i want to spread .

so thanks for writing against me.

take care bobby

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