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by raj, india, Saturday, June 07, 2008, 11:53 (6135 days ago) @ Ellekenfonvy Gvs

hi Team Ellekenfonvy as u replied for the posting made by mr.ishwar i agree for your reply then can u do me favour i am holding a lebbo coin with pins etc,. i tested but some tests are performing as you said you cant move here & there on just hear to say basis from people. so i want you to come and test the coin for which i will pay the expenses involving for the tester to come and test and i think the charges involved may be traveling i.e., flight tickets and lodging i.e., for his stay. so i will bare all these charges for the tester and one more he have have to bring his identity card etc., make him sure to show only after the tests are done. upto my knowledge these are the only expenses are involved for a tester to come for testing the coin. or if any other please specify so that i look into the matter and get back to.

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