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give the fraud buyers a fitting reply (General)

by bobby @, Monday, August 10, 2009, 15:18 (5688 days ago)

hi ,

we have got information from lot of sellers that sharma had taken money , he is not even attending the calls , he had made sellers to pay in a company account , whose address he had given as tanish , jaipur , after payment also , sharma had not came to their place and not even checked the products . then others those who will come after depositing , are telling that , hundi problem , wife problem etc. i am no one to blame here ... but i am suggesting people that if these people are for real , and you are paying lakhs of money to them for fees, then atleast go to their offices , check their credentials , if satisfied then deposit and take them to your place after agreement are done . if not satisfied then dont deposit , come back . the people those who had taken money , and after testing , if found the product is genuine during discussion in the office , then keep those frauds under your control , and dont leave them until and unless they pay your money ... that will be best ... pay back the money and then only the sellers should leave .

hardly in india , the money needed to travel from jammu to kanyakumari is around 2000 rs. in a sleeper class train , or even less then that , then why these sellers are depositing the money without checking the company and its peoples credentials and whereabouts.

if they had taken your money , and if they cant do the deal , then dont leave them make them to pay your money. they cant run with the hard earned cash of sellers and mediators , and putting them into debts , losses ....

who the hell they are to cheat these innocent sellers and mediators.


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