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Buyers of Copper Iridium (General)

by chinni @, visakhapatnam, Friday, November 02, 2007, 19:49 (6352 days ago) @ Ellekenfonvy Metalsque - GVS

to Wulff Muller Ellekenfonvy Metalsque - GVS Berlin Germany

dear sir am chinni from visakha patnam in india ,am happy to deal with you ,sir i have searching this items(iredium copper items, last 6 yeatrs as on date i faced so abow 80 showings for duplicated drps, kanikattu coins,andso many frauders i loss some also,but last 2 days back i got a original coin ,i tested that flame and chain linktest ,but iam sorry to inform you ,i have fear about fraud buyyars ,so please give me your company details for me thanking you sir chinni +919949948842

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