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Stupid & Cheap Posts (फालतू messages) (General)

by Admin, Monday, May 02, 2011, 00:53 (5073 days ago)

Dear Forum Users

Some of you have sent us emails expressing displeasure regarding some recent nonsensical messages posted by a few users.

Since this is an open forum, we have set ourselves some limits to tolerate different kinds of posts (messages) which includes humour and anger as part of messages posted by you. But we are very strict when it comes to abusive language, sexually oriented content and disrespect towards family.

Most of this is covered in our Terms of use which you agree every time when you post a message (as a non-member) or when you register as a member. This link is always available at the top-right corner and also at the bottom-center of every page.

IMPORTANT: If you find that any message or content is not to your liking or is outrightly stupid, please just IGNORE that message and DO NOT respond to it. SIMPLE. Don't respond.

If you respond or react to such nonsensical messages, it only makes that person happy and satisfies his/her ego and compels him to further his act and continue with his attention-seeking behaviour by repeatedly provoking you by posting more annoying (or hateful) messages.

DELETING CONTENT: We check this website periodically and remove/edit indecent & irrelevant messages whenever convenient, i.e., whenever we get time.

Our website is the cleanest that can be found on the internet regarding indecent content. And we are proud of it.


  • Respond wisely.
  • Respond only when necessary.
  • फालतू मैसेजिज़ का जवाब मत दो ।
  • बेकार में या बिना बात में जवाब मत दो ।
  • सबको सफ़ाई या जवाब देना ज़रूरी नहीं है ।

______ Admin

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