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RP Experts required for Discovery Channel project. (General)

by chandu @, hyderabad, Thursday, May 05, 2011, 22:19 (5074 days ago) @ john

Hi John,

I'm having the problem which is qiuet of yours...actually I can get the parties for an RP from any where...but the main problem I'm having is, the parties...I mean the owners of RP are making a back step for selling...untill now I didn't the answer for that even I'm more than five years in this field...But I can say one thing to you is from the age of 22 years you got a nice grip over india...really hatsoff to you...Ny friends Grandpa has doe the first deal in andhra pradesh and now his age is 86 years...and now he wants to make a last deal in his life...can you help out in fullfilling his wish...please contact me to this mail id if you are ready to make....

Mail Id : nag_ Regards Chandu

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