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ADV - Big opportunity in PPP -Earn Millions & Billions (ADV - Financial)

by sridhar @, chennai ( india ), Wednesday, May 11, 2011, 23:07 (5009 days ago) @ Prince Kothari

Hello Sir! Hope you had a good day. Few clarifications needed, please do the needful. I want you to add to my online chat contacts, is it possible? Next, when shall we have the agreement signed between us? Will I have the proof for my sourcing? Is it valid that I send only the scanned copy of the original document of my customers or will you need the original itself? If so how should it be done? On what basis will you choose a particular platform for a customer? What is the minimum and maximum trading amount? Are you doing Fixed Deposit Receipts Outrade,skr, bg what is the percentage, days of execution? Kindly explain on the porcedure. Hoping to hear from you soon with my clarifications answered so that we could tie the business bond between us at the earliest. Warm regards, Sridhar Babu M V

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