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Buyers of Copper Iridium (General)

by vishalasathiya @, chennai, Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 16:27 (5682 days ago) @ Ellekenfonvy India

hi, This is vishalaSathiya from chennai, I heared a lot of words about these things but i have not seen it before. Recently I have seen these things in my town and it is owned by my brother.. Lot of peoples were coming and going because of the appraiser..... The appraiser doesn't have a quality to test it now a days....they are like a mushroom and they were gone after getting some amount, So that the Real people could be suffered a lot.. In order to avoid these fraudlent I would like to contact you through mail...... My brother wants to sell it to the right people. RP-----750 gms{ Weight} MR....3 inches, torch..3 inches Watch....3inches...... They are the reliable person and what they are looking for.......... If you are OK to proceed, Send me a mail....... I will contact your Id Thanks & Regards, VishalaSathiya.....

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