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orignal material in bangalore rp mr3 rr1 (RP)

by roshan, bangalore, Saturday, September 10, 2011, 22:10 (4871 days ago)

hi every one roshan here from bangalore

so the material weight is 1kg800grms material object is old water bowl mr metal to rice 3inches rr rice to rice 1 inches rice colour change is light yellois brown and becoming silky torch test in like seconds and batterys getting drain niddle test done test is ok its not sticking flame test done flame test bending 60 degres mirror test with mercury pasted mirror its taking time to split max 4min when u get close to the object u can feel that radiation water wash done with eno soda and lime water and tamarind

its not a drp and its not remote and its not magic or solar the metrail i have cheked material is geniune as per my best its clear results about object

so let u know the demands seller price is they will give u in outrates first thing is dont ask this testers fees or company fees etc etc i know all this concepts....

first thing i will arrange u free show give u free show to confirm and there is dont have any token demands one first day like some pepole ask they want 50to100cr here they will give u 2days time {1}only i want the schedule of doing the business and b/w amount 80/20 {80}white and {20}black and what particulry i wanted to know the white amount in what source v will recive the white amount need this clarification before showing the material one thing and {2}till how many days it will take to clear all {3} they will not allowed to pack the material till the all amount they clarify like black amount kwality and quantity of amount and like costudy will be in any private service apartment not in any bank and they have taken many meetings they r not satisfied with they know all most so called companies like some says we got iridium lisence some says v r antique buyers some says we r the companies

so plz let u confirm that indian govt had banned this bussiness in last year in november 2010 the high court had given ordered that copper iridium taitanium urenium scandium and thorium any radiation property which having...high contenz object is totaly baned.... in this case they will take high actions.... like terrorist act....

the last bussiness had done from our contry in 1993 that material had surended to our govt with the siguture of abdul kalam approvel of our defence drdo Defence Research & Development Organisation isro satellite centre the owners of the material they got a gift amounts from govt thats it

so kindley coprate wth me regarding about this details post ur results on in here in this forum

lets every one come to now what is real facts what is the real way to do this bussines every one in this way to search material

i dont know who will complet this deal b"coz to our sellers there r many persons in contact regarding about this material

so iam trying my best to find the ans as to convince to the sellers lets help me out give me any geniun source tat i can arrange u possible meeting with the seller before i had posted some material like iformation on this forum with images i will try to post the tested rice and torch and drained shell batterys images

thank you :)

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