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COBRA PEARL(Nagamani) (NM)

by B.H. Rao @, Thursday, October 01, 2009, 12:01 (5653 days ago) @ Abhin

Dear sir,

What foolishness are you doing,

This is high cost Item, you never go before mediators Sure they will <-- test removed by admin --> you and stole your property. Jitendra is a leader of mafia. You go for direct company mainly abroad companies,they never cheat. They will send you their Indian associates. You can 100% trust them and get very high price. Indian company tells, it is for UK company wich never exists and offer very very high price which no body can pay and they will stole the article., They come with black cats and even our police do not have power to protect you, because black cats are from central government. Indian company will cheat you sure, sure, sure...

This is with my 20 years experience.

Regards Rao

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