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Buyers of Copper Iridium (General)

by DR VSN MOTURI @, LONDON, Friday, October 02, 2009, 12:55 (5652 days ago) @ MR BEN FRANKLIN

I here with sending you the details of the Copper Irradium (PR) CHENNAI MATERIAL SPECIFICATION:- Copper Irradium Vessel WEIGHT;- 16 Kgs HEIGHT:- 2 Feet with 1.25 width METAL TO RICE:- 30 Inches RICE TO RICE:- 12 to 14 seconds. RICE COLOUR CHANGINING:- Brown to Black TESTED:- a) Candle Testing b) Rice to Rice c) Water Test d) Pin Test e) watch Test All the above test is certified by DRDO ( Defence Research Develoopment Org) PACKING:- The material is secured with coding and decoding by "Z" packing We would be interested to take off the deal with Direct Company before that we should be through of the detail and finacical status of the company and their previous deal done any if yes get us the details and all certicates should be renewed and shown before entering the MOU.

cheers drmoturi

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