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COBRA PEARL(Nagamani) Buyer (NM)

by sanka ⌂ @, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 18:44 (4914 days ago) @ moin

hello...i have a snake pear(Naga Mankiya,Nagamani) for sale.this is not a joke and i have sertificates from geological survey & mines bureau of Sri lanka,Atomic energy authority of sri lanka,University of peradeniya-sri lanka if anybody interesting,please contact me and then i will provide you more details and pictures.this is a rectangular black stone.weight is 22.02 grams.selling for higher e mail address is : 0094757573579. the gem is in the bank right now and we can show that only for serious buyers.just drop me a e mail with your contact details.

shape ; Rounded,well polished triangular object

Weight : 22.02

Colour : Black with sub-metallic lustre (almost conque)

Specific Gravity : 3.20

Hardness : Between 6 & 7 (moh's scale)

Radio activity : No increase compared to back ground

Magnetic Susceptibility : 0.091 X 10-3 SI

scratched particles anisotropic under microscope

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