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Want to sell RP (General)

by Roni @, punjab, Thursday, October 29, 2009, 02:34 (5625 days ago) @ shaib hussain

I Want to sell my RP

Sending the details of my product to you. I have 1818 East India Company Rod 1. Form of Material : Copper Iridium rod 2. Metal to Rice : 09.00 Inches Approx 3. Time of Pulling : 10 Seconds Approx 4. Rice to Rice : 04.5 Inches Approx 5. Time of Pulling : 12 Seconds Approx 6. defuses 100 wtt. bulb from 2 feet with in a second 7. Dusting : Talcum Powder 8. Torch : Distance : 3.5 Feet 9. wait: 450g 10. lenth: 7 inches Approx 11. Time : With in 15 Seconds 12. Battery : Big Battery 13. Function : Bulb Fuses

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