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Buyers of Copper Iridium (General)

by Shiva kumar @, Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 12:23 (5613 days ago) @ shekar

Hi Shekar,

Hello ! how are you ? its me Shiva Kumar, well for now I would be a stranger for you, do not panic I got you mail id from ricepuller site where in you have mentioned about genuine doer of RP business, for which you have also asked to produce Company details etc., Well please let me know what the kind of details you wanna to know and before all that let me have some clarity on the RP_Item in your possession, regarding what the type of metal and make shape and also how you got it where abouts, I would also assure u that we would colletively do the business over a period of time in phase-wise or as an one time settlement in lumpsum as per your choice and to say anything more than this for now it would too early let us get more clear over this after exchange of few mails between you and me.

Looking forward for your reply

Yours trustfully,



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