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Rarest of the rare gem stones (General)

by Antony Jomy @, Kochi, Thursday, August 14, 2008, 19:31 (6066 days ago)

Hello Gentlemen,

I am Antony Jomy from Kochi(Kerala) and I am going to introduce a RAREST OF RARE GEM STONES, in which anyone is interested or got any buyers please respond.. It is a 100% legal business. The seller is giving wealth tax for this 3 stones and its current, Email: Cell:09946558956


Good quality gemstone valued for its pleasing colour and this good diamond has superior hardness, high transparency, durability and free from fracture. This blue gemstone while examination found weighing 1370 carats. This precious stone belongs to CORUNDUM family and exhibiting hexagonal structure. It is blue in colour, semi translucent having hardness of 9 on Moh’s scale of hardness with specific gravity of 4.2. This gemstone is called as “NEELANJALI” by the possessor. But mincialogically it is “SAPPHIRE”. The gem is cut on the top as “CABOCHON” and it is retaining original hexagonal structure and displays animated star of 12 rays known as double star clearly visible under light. This phenomenon is a rarest on the rare occurrence. It measures 7.5 centimetres in height and 6 centimetres in a diametre. It is one of the largest of its kind in the world.

Please note that this gemstone had an entry in the “Guinnise Book Records” in 1988 and 1989 edition at pages 77 and 79 respectively for the largest sapphire gemstone. This type of gemstones are rare and valuable and possessed by the ancestors of the present owner and these ancestors were the founders and rulers of Great Kingdom (Empire) in India.

As this stone is blue in colour, big and rare the value is very high and command fancy price. As per the formula laid down by French Gemstone dealer in precious stones viz.”TAVERNIER” The approximate value should be calculated assuming a minimum value of US Dollars 100/- per carat, multiplied to the square of its weight in carats and again multiplied by per carat value. Therefore its expected value is as follows:-

1370 X 1370 x 100 = US $ 187,690,000/-

It is felt that this precious stone can be purchased at a bargained/reduced price of 150 Million US Dollars. The calculation and bargained lowest price is made only by taking Notional value of this priceless gem. The realistic value of this rare gem is invaluable.


This ruby stone is weighing 2475 Carats, measuring 8.30 centimetres in height, 5.5 centimetres in diameter and 16.25 centimetres hexagonal circumference while examining by the consultant, Geologist. This precious ruby stone is also belonging to “CORUNDUM” family. It is semi translucent rose red in colour, exhibiting greasy lustre having hardness of 9 on moh’s scale of hardness with specific gravity of 4.1. This was also the property of the rulers of Great Kingdom (Empire) in India. This gemstone is also cut at the top as “CABOCHON” and displays animated star of Six Rays of light. The star lines are sharp and clear under light. Hence this is called “STAR RUBY”. The above gemstone had an entry in the Gunnies Book Records” in 1988 and 1989 edition of pages 77 and 79 respectively for the largest “STAR RUBY” in the world. This is rare piece and highly valuable.

As per the formula of the French Gemstone Dealer “TAVERNIER”, the approximate value should be calculated as follow :-

2475 X 2475 X 100 = US $ 6125,62,500/-

It is felt that this precious stone can be purchased at a bargained/reduced Price of 500 Million US Dollars; although it fetches enormous and fabulous price.


This is one of the largest good quality star ruby stone diamond fetches enormous and fabulous price. This greatest rarity diamond cannot be obtained or purchased as and when required. This stone is weighing 3553 carats. As per the rule of the French gemstone dealer “TAVERNIER”, the approximate value should be calculated as follows :-

3553 X 3553 X 100 = US$1262,380,900/-

The realistic value of the above giant diamond (gemstone) is depending on purchaser and seller. The above gem stone has been estimated in the range of US Dollars 2.8 Billion as reported in “INDIA TODAY MAGAZINE” (American Edition) in one of the issue of 1996-1997. However it is felt that this big, rare, precious and largest stone can be purchased at a bargained/reduced price of 1000 Million US Dollars.

Awaiting your response, if interested. Please note that the seller is even agreeable to sell 1 or 2 or all 3 pieces to your company. Please also note that the purchaser has to pay us our commission (brokerage fees) at 3 percent of the value


Antony Jomy 09946558956

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