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Magic Vessel (General)

by Antony Jomy @, Kochi, Thursday, November 19, 2009, 15:34 (5532 days ago)

I'm having a copper vessel having some specialities for sale, it is having a weight of 800 grams and 3 fishes have been engraved on the sides of the vessel. This vessel is made in 1400AD.. the features are :- dip one of our fingure in water and then rub on the side of the vessel where the fish emblem is engraved there we can listen to a very high fequency sound of bells (church bell), then rub the next fish here it will be like 'OM'(omkaram) the 3rd one is like blowing a shanku (sea shell)

with me there is some photos and one video of the same, we didn't check whether it has the rice pulling property . we can deal the item in Ernakulam itself

Interested parties may contact me on my phone or mail me at There I could give you the price details and all.. Its a very rare piece of material only 4 or 5 is in India, one of these type is exhibited in Mysore palace

Regards Antony Jomy 09633437873

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