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Buyer (RP)

by Ankit Diwan. @, Kolkata, Wednesday, May 09, 2012, 23:19 (4704 days ago) @ mathic

Hello friend we are the geniun buyer of all kinds of rp material even as libbo as per it is rare and not available and 2 are still there in india we just want the tested material of rp(Torch cutting,stop watch,rice)we will make the deal as per ur tested material is ok and token amount and agrement will be given in advance without any obligation.we dont charge any amount you just have 2 bring your testing and the deal is done full payment will be given after the disclose of material and it will be sill by the will get your full clearance from income tax department,defence,drdo, paper in 5 day even if u want u can receive the amount in cash 17paise per$ will be deducted from ur amount.There is much more to know about the deal of an irridium or rp meatel if any one has the real material then contact me 09883439234 geniun seller will get the good responce. GOOD LUCK.

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