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Seller of RP coins (General)

by kiran @, hyd, Monday, December 14, 2009, 13:34 (5580 days ago) @ Ellekenfonvy Metalsque - GVS, Berlin Ger


Copper Iridium coins are magical and powerful. They will stop a bus when carried in it by stopping ignition, but not when wrapped in a carbon paper. A candle flame bends towards this coin. When rice is brought near the coin, it gets attracted towards the coin. You can find an electric circuit tester indicating light when touched with, on the coin. Your electronic watch will stop when brought near this coin!

A device in Germany (details unknown) which cost / worth 1 million dollars absorbs power of the coin. The Copper Iridium coins called 1616 have three magical points, which disables entire power in any form near it. To test the coin, it costs 0.1 million dollar chemicals. The complete test can be done only in remote sea shores.

Facts about the 1616 Copper Iridium Coin

In 1603 AD, East India Company was formed in India, with establishments in various places, with head office in England. The company started minting coins to do business according to its new system.

In the year 1616 AD, there was a Grahakutami (A complete solar eclipse) which lasted for more than 5 hours in India. The Britishers, with the help of Indian Rishis minted Copper coins with Copper Iridium metal in assorted weights and sizes. The coins were hand made.

Only 16 pieces of the coins were made totally. In order to preserve the precious lebbos, the Rishis engraved the currency denomination prevalent on one side and the nine planets on the other side. Iridium Lebbo coins are also called Navagraha Lebbos. Lebbo in Greek means sun guard. The coins have the provision to be charged when required. The special range of powers of the coins can be activated by charging the coin on the three pin points, each having different functions. After charging the coin with MRC 87 chemicals, a magnetic attraction of carbohydrate contents is generated on the coin.

Sun (Surya), Moon (Chandra), Mars (Mangla), Mercury (Budha), Neptune (Guru), Jupiter (Sugra), Saturn (Sani), Uranus (Ragu) and Venus (Kethu) are the planets engraved on the coin and are interconnected with tiny veins, all leading to the charging point.

It is said that, millions of years ago, fragments of sun and other planets might have fallen on earth, particularly in South India sub continent. It is also said that the gurus had gone to all the planets to collect the metal from each planet. The material from other planets that reached earth thus is used to imprint the corresponding planet on the coin.

Our ancestors made the metal classification ‘space metals’. Metallurgists have discovered and included three metals under this group, Ikkidium, Iridium and Virenium. These metals were heavily priced in the 16th century and Rishis hand made the lebbo coins using the Iridium.

In 1616 The British East India Company had presented one 200 gram Iridium Lebbo coin to King Leo of Hong Kong. Later in 1871, it was auctioned for 200 Billion dollars in the U.S.A. International exhibition.

Scope of the Iridium Lebbo Coin

We believe, the magical powers of the Iridium Lebbo Coin can be utilized for commercial purpose in various Industries like:

Medical research


Telecom and Communication


Satellite systems

Power Systems


Disaster relief

Media and entertainment

Oil and gas exploration

Experiments on other Iridium Copper coins on the globe have proved that

The power of iridium copper coins can be extended to making potassium gold cyanide from the chaff of rice kernels


For more information on the material, readers can go through the following:

Sputnik (January 1985)

World famous metals (Serial No 2)

Rare space metal by N.Brocinam, London S.M.P.C. (Page 101)

Rare space metals written by L.Fernando, west germany (Page 41 to 43)

Andrews Lebbo Grapy (page 40)

Business Proposal

I am the partner in the holding of a 200 gm Copper Iridium Lebbo Coin. We are total of 9 partners having stake on this material. Presently the coin is kept in South India (Palghat of Kerala).

We are looking forward to sell or make productive use of this material.

We are inviting business proposals from Individuals and Organizations for the purchase or share holding of the Copper Iridium Coin.

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