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It is 100% Fake coin as per your description (General)

by Sita @, India, Friday, January 29, 2010, 10:17 (5460 days ago) @ hussain

Hello dear seller.,

As per the description of the coin, it is 100% fake coin according to history of coinage. So, please don't say somebody else that it is real and rare one. You might be collect/bought in the same way trusted another seller., but the fact is, all these coins Minted recently by some fake-rocketry people as per demand in the market. As so many (About 1 or 2% of people specially spending their life to spin around these things) people are spinning around these coins, it is the best item for fake-minters to mint and market by making such visibility (Poor visibility or changing its color by little chemicals) to make others fool very easily. As none of these people having any coins history, knowledge of testing using Carbon-dating and scientific methods etc., one can easily let them belief and sell out "100% waste material". We added some fake coins in our site., watch them and try to realize. ONE LINE FOR YOU ALL - THERE ARE NO COINS MINTED BY EIC/EAST INDIA COMPANY ON THEIR ENTIRE STAY IN INDIAN SUB-CONTINENT WITH INDIAN DEITIES OR INDIAN RELIGIOUS SIGNS. If you still have any such doubts, just go to history of "Indian Coinage" or contact "RBI" to make it confirm.

This posting is for the favour of this forum members.

Sincerely Sita Curio Items

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