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by Ch. Ravi Pratap @, Visakhapatnam, Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 16:40 (5523 days ago) @ kalyan

Dear Kalyan.

As you said you have the genuine lebbo coin go for the following tests. 1. Bubble test : Pour the water up to coin level only the water will get heat more than 0.2 degrees. 2. Ujala Test : Keep the coin in one mug and fill the mug just below half and drop ujala for 2 to 3 drops after 10 minutes the Ujala and water will be separated. 3.Keep the coin in front of the battery torch only gradually the lighting will be dim later the bulb of the torch will break by its self.

Very important : Safe keeping of the coin by cover the coin by Carbon paper and keep away from the electric wires.

if your interested to sell of please feel free to call me at 9550286159 and mail me

Bye Pratap

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