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COBRA PEARL(NM) in delhi is duplicate (NM)

by Bobby Rajput @, INDIA, Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 18:47 (5520 days ago) @ Rahul

i cant agree more i read here 2 posts before leaving for Delhi but as Story of Crores i went there and manage to find to frauds in Delhi Rajbir Tyagi & Ajay Makkar. When the final date was fixed in the last moment was asked to pay only Rs 50000 for the expenses of their people.

Now as we talking about crores so who cares about Rs 50000 but for sellers its like a business.

They wanted to know the excat test we will perform on NM now tell me who will tell the tests & why because they can fake it ?

The specifications of NM that were told us on phone where completely different when we reached Delhi? why

I think they where scared of the Final tester as its the fake item they were to show us.

Anyway came back & Rs. 20000 down the drain.

So dont go to delhi & waste your time and money for these fraudsters and cheaters.

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