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Duplicate Rice Puller (RP)

by Antony Jomy @, Kerala (Kochi), Tuesday, April 06, 2010, 14:08 (5394 days ago)

Hi all,

I'm Antony Jomy from Kerala (Kochi, we are the makers of Duplicate Rice Puller

we need 3 days to make the product

the functions are :-

Material to Rice - 9.5 inches

Rice to Rice - 4.25 inches

Torch test

Watch test

and it is washable in turmeric water or detergent upto 25 times

the power will last upto 80 days

contact me only if you have a buyer because we are charging 20 lakhs per inch or 20% of the total amount, we are expecting you to sell at a minimum rate of 2cr per inch

3 to 4 lakhs is the expense of the chemicals that you have to pay, we are coming there with 50% of chemicals in our hand and the rest you need to buy, so we will arrange the chemicals and we all will go and buy it so you have to pay the amount there.there is no chance for a failure because this is not our first business.

no need for giving us any money before we are there

Interested parties may contact

Antony Jomy


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