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by Preetham @, Chennai, Thursday, April 22, 2010, 00:03 (5451 days ago) @ kalyan

Well i have come across many people stating that they have RP coins And Libbo Coins .........Each time we arrive to conduct test they donot allow us to do so ..................So we as a company are not sure why do these kind of people lie and waste most of the our time and money and there's as well ...........there has not been an instant where the product was genuine .............In Total 16 libbo coins have been made out of which 14 is accounted for 2 are missing .............Libbo coins do not pull rice .................SO people faking of obtaining one pls do stop bullsh***ing ..............If there is one genuine person with a metal that pullers rice or a metal that have some kind of power's pls do mail me at brokers of selling team pls do not mail me cause you guys are behind money and destroy everything ......most of the so called brokers have not seen even 1 lak and they would start building palaces thats they need 10 - 15 crores lol idiots would not know how to spending even 100 bucks in a proper way and looking for crores ...........I am not a buyer but a member of the company we have so called finished a deal .....looking forward to do some more .......we have people in chennai and Hyderabad

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