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by harish, andhrapradesh, Sunday, November 16, 2008, 21:38 (5971 days ago) @ Rice Puller

hello sir/madam

iam harish we have best buyesr either from overseas and local .we arefrom andhrapradesh the people who are looking for the items of rp sale immediately cnct me my mail or through mobile direct line. we make u simply satisfy and the procedure we are goin through will definitely saitisfy the person who wants to meet their requiremnts and satisfaction of security dimensions.

the payments and evrythin will be clearly dealt on by meeting people in the above medium( either phone or mail).

we are tellers we are the people of perfect dealings. it will be understood if once u met with me.

the thinkin and thoughts of people is different we are not forcing anyone and just warning beware of fraud buyers...

harish +919885427637

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