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Buyers of Copper Iridium (General)

by mohammed @, india, Saturday, November 22, 2008, 14:34 (5967 days ago) @ Shadab

SIR WE ARE HERE TO BUY THE IRIDIUM METIRIALS BUT THE BASIC REQUIRMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS ; 1. Material iridium copper 2. Color .. 3. Weight / kilograms 4. Rice puling 16" odd inches 5. Rice to rice pulling 3-4 inches 6. Rice pulling time 5 TO 10 minutes 7. Rice dusting time 10 minutes 8. Dust color black / brown IF WE FIND SUCH CHARATERTISE WE ARE DEFINATE DEAL WITH . MR. SHADAB: IF YOUR ARE NOT YET TEATED THE METIRIAL YOU CAN CONTACT US IN PH ..9008418349 ZUVB.FIA@GMAIL.COM

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