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hi aayush (RP)

by venu bharadwaj @, Tuesday, February 26, 2008, 03:42 (6241 days ago) @ Aayush

this is venu bharadwaj , well if we talk abt RP i can say i do have but frankly not with me , i have a chanel where it was found , its an idol in the temple where ? conf but the deatails are below,

Rice to metal is 3 inch'' rice to rice is 1/2 inch'' time is 1 min weight is nearly 10 kg

ok comming to price NA...

and more over if any one can deal my item that includes an antique plz let me know they are numusmatic coins or quest coins .. iam sending the photo graphs plz look for the buyers , brooker charges will be given in good ratio.


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