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nothing fund.rp and more items (General)

by rkbana1241980, Monday, December 28, 2015, 05:07 PM (3079 days ago)

Sir, Any body buyer help me a financial support we can give a genuine Rp and more details.because iam searching and look the genuine articles.but we have no money do this I request you any body buyer help me and check the articles definitely he satisfied..and I have a some article video.and iam a media not seller....but I can confirm the articles. Because some article I do a tested.but I have a financial seller did not give money because he also a financial problem.I have a company but company want tofirst deposit payment but seller is not seller is agree with agreement paper...first make a agreement and do this business if our article are failed means you can give a cheating complain of near police who can help me plse give your details I discuss with you my article those place I did a checked. Thank you Abraham My email I'

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