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Roshan Khan from Roshan DSA Coimbatore A big cheat (General)

by RPB, Tuesday, May 10, 2016, 09:27 PM (2971 days ago)

Anybody know him? A very big cheat from Tamil Nadu Contact numbers: 08870781373 and 08110013452 He will cheat anybody make believe for sometime if you respond his mail. He will say that he will provide you any finance from private/public organizations or persons. He will introduce another guy in his gang as "Financier" (Karthik aged about 45 to 50 years) and some other guys as "Financier's manager and security" (Srinivas Chowday aged about 45-48 years, Venkat aged about 30-35 years)... Asked you to pay processing charge 2% of the loan amount. He make you trust in such a way that, he dont take your money into his hand. He asked you to pay his "Financier" after you verify the money with financier. Now third person "Financier's manager" enters into the screen. He will take you to somewhere and show cash boxes and give you bundles of money to check if they are proper. After you see the real money, you will get confidence and ready to pay the asked 2% to "Financier". They don't hand over money to you, nor load into your account. They will handover the money at your home and take pro-note from you. Actual story starts here. Financier takes your money and handover his "Manager with money on special vehicle", and asked any of you or your guys to accompany in that vehicle. So your guys can follow them. The "Manager" who will come to you already could arrange some group of 10(all are around 35-40years) in another vehicle and he slowly will take you and stop there. They also act like that they are police and check your vehicle, catch the money boxes. The guys who travel with the Manager won't tell anything because there are 10 bouncers who are ready to kill if you raise on them. Now the Manager and his 10 Gang will abscond leaving those guys in deep forest or no signal zone. The Financier and the Mediator (Roshan) will be vanish with the taken money as soon as possible. What next? Their Mobiles got switched off!!! No more communication for days and weeks. Later Roshan come for communication and act like that the "Police men who caught Manager also caught him, beat him and taken his phone so as he is far to communication". This guy again make you believe saying that Recovery is under process. We caught all people. The theft were Manager and other guys who is working with /Financier since a long, they played this drama to theft the given money like.... He will do this kind of recovery drama till you hesitate and give up.

This is not the new story, several similar cheats happened so far in Chennai and around. All these things are mainly doing with the same Gang we suspecting.

So beware of this kind of cheats, mainly from Tamil Nadu. Don't trust anybody, don't give your money.

If anybody can catch Roshan Khan (Aged about 30-35 years) and his Gang anyway, we will pay you Rs.1,00,000/- remuneration.

Search them and Catch them, save many other innocents in coming days.

If anybody got cheated by them already, kindly share the issue.

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