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why are you changing the name and publish the posts (General)

by Ankush @, mumbai, Saturday, August 14, 2010, 17:31 (5260 days ago) @ rajesh.s

My Friend dont go by assumptions, all the posts of Andy i also had come across but i never found him as a cheater and regarding the 3 peacock note i would say please take the pic of the note and check with the bank. As per RBI 1982 note is also not printed but it is still in the market and when checked it is said it is a fake note. Similar with 1995 note. RBI says no notes were printed after 1994. When checked with an official they said they had printed only 6/7 notes but never were circulated out. Then how do people say the notes are there. Inside people of the RBI removed those notes out. BUT IN CASE OF 1982 IT HAS NEVER BEEN PRINTED AND PEOPLE ARE RUNNING BEHIND IT. So my friend my advice is please do not assume anything and blindly call anyone a cheater please..

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