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fraud Alert...RP seller Thanneerpandal palaym (General)

by rose, Thursday, September 15, 2016, 02:48 PM (2829 days ago)
edited by rose, Thursday, September 15, 2016, 02:51 PM

Hello friends last week we heard RP Available at Thaneerpandal near Bhavani tamilnadu, first I visited there he shows one flower vas only MR I ask him RR but he didn't accept ,he told after your company conformer come I give RR I accepted .next day I inform to company conformer he came around 12.30pm we wait upto 4.30pm in chtode from bhavani to 5 km ,evining 5.30 he came with 2persons I allow Pvt taluk with conformer ,my conformer explain process method after listening our company process step by step, he told him I show my meterial 2morrow ,my conformer accepted he leave after 1 hr seller called to conformer over phone my both meterial is magical !!!pls find one funder we share our amount 50/50 then my conformer warn and cutt his call then contact me explain his phone conversation and drop his deel....pls I will alort you friends He have 2 magic meterial one 12/4 and 36/2

Seller Name...Ashok (a) Aravind

His supporter...perumal and iyyanar

Meterial place... Thaneerpandal palayam near Bhavani ,we met him near chtode

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