Wanted Loan Provider For Major Loan in South India (General)
One of our valuable client is currently looking for Project Loan. It is a big amount (More than 10,000 crore). Major Banks will give Bank Guarantee - BG for the proposed Project. They are looking for the following:-
1. Interest rate must be less than 2% per annam 2. Minimum 10 Years or Less Than 20 Years Project Loan 3. Mediators commission less than 4% Direct funders or any person have direct contact with the funding company can contact us.
Only genuine team contact with Mobile Number & Email Address to us.
Thanks & Regards,
Project Loan Team (Indiatrustdonation Team)
Complete thread:
- Wanted Loan Provider For Major Loan in South India -
2017-03-10, 20:29
- Wanted Loan Provider For Major Loan in South India - sourab, 2017-03-17, 22:52