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by kavin.c, Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 07:55 PM (2651 days ago) @ raja26

@Raja26 - Rest assured that I'm educated and I'm aware of all that's happening in Forex World right from A - Z in Forex Trading.

Companies do not create Passwords manually. Passwords are automatically generated with the help of Secured Servers and the Password is being generated by Platforms such as MT4 and it's process cannot be tampered by Forex Companies such as Uniglobe. As the password is issued to the Investor, the Investor & Trader will change the Password. I know the process of @Saran92, he always changes the Password for Trade Terminal or he will instruct the Investor to change the Password for the Trade Terminal. Once the Password is Changed by Investor/Trader, Uniglobe will not get access to the new Changed Password. In this case, how can Uniglobe gain access to Investor's Trade Terminal?

I know Forex Trading is not regulated in India? If Uniglobe & Others are illegally operating from India, then what about @Saran92? He is also violating the Law by involving in Forex Trading from the Indian Soil with the Investments from Indian Citizens. Is that not illegal? So let's not get into Legal aspects of Uniglobe. Infact, it was @Saran92 who recommended Uniglobe to many Investors. As long as @Saran92 gets Bonus Commissions from Uniglobe, he didn't had any issues with Uniglobe? Now, I wonder why @Saran92 has started questioning Uniglobe's Integrity.

Please understand, irrespective of Profits or Losses made, Uniglobe earns from Spreads and not from Losses or Profits made. So there is no need for Uniglobe to cheat the Investors Accounts with Loss Transactions. Your statement doesn't make any sense.

IMPORTANT - I know an Investor, whose Trade Account was handled only by @Saran92 and he took risky positions and lost the entire Investments. The Investor has Proofs.

Why are you not discussing about Investors Accounts which @Saran92 has made Losses? If you do not know about losses made by @Saran92, then please don't respond. We will discuss with @Saran92.

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