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S.R.P Static Rice Puller, Anti Iron, Technology (General)

by Adithya555, Wednesday, July 26, 2017, 11:12 (2787 days ago) 08675456761 By using static electricity technology needle deflection attained was only at 2cm; experiments were done in order to increase the field of deflection. For this an Anti iron (Anti ferro magnetic material) was inserted inside the molten Electret and tested. Surprisingly static charge in anti magnetic field rice is pulled with a speed; some rice was repelled first and then pulled with speed from 3 inches. Next Anti magnetic field was kept as it is and only a small static charge was embedded, then the rice was pulled in a slow motion. A hand full of rice was pulled and dragged from 3 inches. Technical drawing is available. Start manufacturing with PTFE/ Lead first and then follow the same procedure with copper. I feel each function is related to the other, so if ink vanishing with ammonia technic is produced in the electrets material, torch cutting may be possible.

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