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The truth behind the post -RP Experts required for Discovery (General)

by NiceGuy NoMore @, Sunday, March 01, 2009, 15:37 (5871 days ago)

The truth behind the post “RP Experts required for Discovery Channel project”

Hi All! What better way to treat you RP morons than to give you a taste of your own medicine? You are right. My post was just fabricated nonsense. But it was enough to make about 20 odd “fortune hunters” trying to contact the phone number given! I had thought even a dimwit could’ve seen through the yarn I’d spun on NASA and Discovery channel. But no. You a**holes are so retarded that you have totally lost touch with reality. Rice pullers… my foot! Imagine scores of you dumb idiots wasting your time, efforts and becoming a liability to your societies by persisting with your wild goose chase of striking it rich some day by selling RP or whatever. I’d personally come across some of you wretched people who in the most productive years of your lives, waste time going after such stuff. Why can’t you all take a long walk down a short pier? Our world would be a better place with such resource hogs out of the way of real scientific and societal progress.

Now comes the icing on the cake. Here is what I did with some of the above said numb skulls who called the number I’d earlier given. As one would have guessed, they all wanted to participate in the “Discovery channel” project on RP as they all were “experts” on the subject. Guess what? John Boonda & Associates were most happy to be contracting them for the program under the mentioned hefty fee. Only a small condition applied. Our company was into humanitarian activities as well and followed the principle of requesting all the aforementioned “experts” to part take in our efforts to help the society by a small gesture from their part. Ah… I can guess what you are thinking. No; no money was involved. All that was needed was for these “experts” to affirm their commitment to JB & A by donating blood! Yeah, that’s right; blood donation. No matter where these idiots- the self professed experts in RP- hailed from, all they had to do was to walk into their nearest public health center and participate in a voluntary blood donation program. They ware then to scan and send me the proof- the document from the blood bank confirming the donation. I’m happy to announce that 11 of the fortune-hunting- &- good-for-nothing-else crowd making such noise on this weird forum had succumbed to their greed and had donated blood. It might have been the only good- Samaritan deed they had ever done in life. So be it. Interestingly, about 5 of them were from Hyderabad. Some poor hard working ordinary folks there would’ve benefited from all the donated blood thus received. Needless to mention that upon receiving the scanned proofs, JB & A mysteriously turned a cold shoulder to these “donor- experts”. Being what they are, they must still be scratching their stupid heads and wondering why the Geographic channel “contract” didn’t go through. Keep scratching, you dumb asses!

I’m sure these hard learned lessons would soon be forgotten and RP, Liiliputs, Naga Manikyam, feathers, coins and other assorted bull shit will continue to occupy the center stage of these dim wits’ lives. But I guess it is okay. We the level headed folks need our entertainment at times too… don’t we? And fresh blood is always in demand by the ill and the medically suffering people in the world.

Next time, I guess I’ll go for the kidneys. Or an arm and a leg maybe. The learning? The spare parts from these RP hunting idiots can be put to better use; elsewhere. All but the brain; sadly.

I guess this material would be taken off this forum at the earliest, but I’ll persist in my efforts eradicate these wretches from the society in one way or other. Those who share the spirit, reply to this post with your comments. And, SMS or call 09446094465. Ah no; no conditions apply. Blood donation is not mandatory for you folks.

PS: - Does receiving blood from a moron make one a moron as well?


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