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Trust Required - If Agreed to Below Condition Only (General)

by RajeshPremiumFundBroker, Thursday, September 07, 2017, 00:14 (2579 days ago)

TERM SHEET – 3 pages


• SOURCE : Company’s Trade Profit Funds / Surplus

• DONATION TO PROJECTS : Relating to Trusts

• PLACE: BANGALORE (Location with Pin code:_______ & Meeting Point: _________)

• DATE OF ESCROW : /08/2017 before 12:30 PM (or a mutually agreed time)

• DATE OF TRANSACTION : / 08 / 2017

• TRANSACTION DENOMINATIONS : Current Currency (legal)

• ESCROW AMOUNT FROM BOTH PARTIES : Rs15 lakhs each to be done one day prior to Transaction day at a mutually agreed venue & time. A mutually agreed upon Arbitrator has to be chosen whose decision will be final both for the ESCROW and Force Majeure conditions given below. After ESCROW the Trust KYC to be exchanged with the Donor party KYC who will also show a recent Bank Statement and will allow the Trust Party to note down the Bank account details for verification.

• RATIO : Liquid show 130 (Including 30 for Media {a, b &c}) & RTGS of 200

Nomenclatures: Donating Company: DONOR party, Receiving Trust: TRUST Party


On Transaction day, at 10:00 am, the authorised representatives of both the parties will meet at a predefined landmark address, which shall be within 2 km from the object location. After introduction to each other and showing personal identification along with company ID, photo ID of the Donor Party as well as the Trust parties to each other including the authorisation letters from their respective organisations, the representatives will move to assigned bank nearby.

The authorised Signatory of Donor Party shall provide the Bank pull out statement (Statement of Account authenticated by seal & signature of the Branch Manager) inside the bank that shows the required account balance. Trustee/ Authorised representatives of the Trust Party will verify the bank statement and other related matter connected to banking activities including authenticity of within maximum of half hour.

To be continue.....

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