After 10th October Rp buying permission only DRDO companies (General)
I am Not getting with the sellers,they have no idea about the importance of this deadlineand the actual chance what they have got for this few days and they r literally loosing a golden chance buy showing ruthless and useless attitudes and mediators r behaving more n most idiotically than the sellers and literally literally wasting the time by their filthy and greedy mindset of making more money ........................plz understand the logic given by the government its not like the past where things can be ignore here everything is considered and every steps is counted one mistake can cost u like hell
Complete thread:
- After 10th October Rp buying permission only DRDO companies -
2017-10-01, 19:49
- After 10th October Rp buying permission only DRDO companies - nilesh-patel, 2017-10-02, 18:31
- After 10th October Rp buying permission only DRDO companies - arun15, 2017-10-02, 18:50
- After 10th October Rp buying permission only DRDO companies - mayurn27, 2017-10-02, 23:30