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BE CLEAR (General)

by Jay @, Mumbai, Sunday, September 26, 2010, 23:00 (5221 days ago) @ SURESH


I didnt understood your last reply. You are asking for my experience or teaching me something....?

Before talking something, advice you to read this post of Economic Times: 76% Indians have fallen victim to cybercrime

My Personal Advice to you: If this is really genuine opportunity give a basic ground key here to all. What is this about. LET PEOPLE UNDERSTAND.

To be noted, (dont know if real), there were 4 response just supporting it. None told, what is the work. Only its noted that its somewhat related to IPL.

These responses, looks more like a testimonial, driving a curiosity. It looks like what we see on MLM sites, Scam Sites, Tele Shoppie / As on TV sites.

If its really a genuine opportunity, let us know an idea. Even I will join. Am a Maharastrian too, (is it for only maharastrian). But if you cant give a brief idea; dont stop others markeing it as a FAKE/SCAM.

Awaiting response, Best Regards.

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