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we are looking for AXIS,ICICI and HSBC receivers (ADV - Financial)

by swedking, Thursday, November 09, 2017, 15:40 (2627 days ago)

@@@@@@@@@@@ it is NON-KYC work mail us @@@@@@@@@@

We are ready to hit the funds transfer asap as we have all our coordinates ready to hit the transfer any time from 02/11/2017, as everything is ready. I am writing the procedures here. 1. Firstly receiving bank account should be either corporate or company or trust or NGO account we do not accept any savings account. 2. Account should be fit to receive at least 2 to 5 cores in each transaction maximum up to 15 crores in each tranche and total fund is 86 crores. There will be no issue as the funds are from <-- text removed by Admin --> we have fully scrutinized and verified 3. We need from you a) Receiving account details b) Operating costs for server costs, server side access (we do not perform any DDOS attacks to get server side access we only have direct access to server), work team costs And insiders fee of 6500 $ c) Receiver or receiver mandate Name and Address 4. Once we receive all the details needed, within 24 hours team will start working on transfer procedure and in no more than 48 hours 5. Transfer amount depends upon your account receiving capacity should be no less than 2 crores maximum any receiving amount is ok 6. After receiving you should transfer our 50% split to us in BITCOIN only. 7. We cannot receive any hard cash or bank transfer as we always anonymous for security reasons. 8. We can hit off shore transfers too and card loading........................if you have any queries you are welcome to send us an email. We always look for people to collaborate around the world to work on high financial deals.

please performers and who agree above conditions only should respond, no time wasters

cheers T E A M R U S S O


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